Conference & events collection Documents of type: Conference Paper

Conference & events collection

Details of the national conferences, sector and specialist conferences

Document type: Conference Paper


Research (1)

There are 9 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2024/00509 Conference Paper Prospect National Conference 2024 - Decisions 14 June 2024
2024/00389 Conference Paper National Conference 2024 agenda 01 May 2024
2022/00438 Conference Paper National Conference 2022 agenda 06 May 2022
2022/00440 Conference Paper Guide - How to make Conference work for you 05 May 2022
2022/00295 Conference Paper Prospect Action Taken 2020 31 March 2022
2019/00431 Conference Paper Report on the major activities of the public services sector from June 2017 – May 2019 04 March 2019
2018/02215 Conference Paper Tony Hall's speech to Prospect Conference 2018 04 June 2018
2011/00384 Conference Paper "Good Work, Good Health" presentation by Dr Litchfield BT 05 April 2011
2010/01613 Conference Paper Electrical Safety - a perspective based on incidents 18 November 2010